"The Evolution of Mike". Reminiscent of a science fair project, this board I made showcased all of Mike's school year pictures. It had a funny game on it as well where guests were encouraged to participate in and then write in a journal provided. It created lots of laughs.
Some of the guests admiring the Graduate in his younger years.
SEN10R black wooden lettes with the numbers 1&0 for the i and o. I decoupaged photocopies of Mike's Senior portraits on them. It got lots of compliments.
I had a local up and coming artist draw on this chalkboard the vision I had in my head for it. This was the coolest element of the party and I couldn't have done it without her!
The guest of honor has decided it should be a permanent piece of artwork in his room.
The edibles.
Since the party didn't start till 10 pm I decided the meal should be kept light and proportionate with mini burgers, mini bags of chips and popcorn and other light snacks.
Graduation Cake Pops.
Olive and tomato appetizer tree.
The guest of honor is nicknamed Wonder Mike so we had had some Wonder Mike approved popcorn available.
Soda Mikes.
I caught some bonding between Mike and his younger brother. The night was a huge success and we stayed up till almost 2 in the morning swimming, eating, laughing and taking goofy pictures. Hope you enjoyed it Mike. It was my pleasure!
Your Soiree Sweetheart